in this blog i wanna pay attention for dutch rap.
dutch rap started in 1980 with the first rapgroup from Amsterdam.
they started under the name Osdorp Posse.
from that very moment rap in the netherlands was born.
now in 2010 there are a lot of record labels in Holland.
this label started in 2005 and is owned by the dutch rapper Ali-B.
A few other rapper that are under the wings of this label are,
Yes-R and Darryl.
Nindo is a label that started in the beginning of 2010 and is owned by Negativ.
It's just a little label so there are not many people that signed at it yet,
the only other rapper at Nindo is Keizer.
This label is not one year old and the rappers already made 3 albums.
The names of these albums are:Negativ-Hinderlijker,Keizer-Straategisch.
And another album of keizer that got the name Keizer-De Webtape.
this is the blog for now i'm gonna make some more for you guys in the upcoming days.